What to do for my 31st Birthday | 31 Surprising Lessons I’ve Learned
Jun 01, 2017, Updated Oct 12, 2023
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Today, I’m 31. Ah, I can’t even believe it. Truth be told, I’ve never been into birthdays. Most people will have fun themed weekends filled with boozy brunches and parties. They’ll bring out the big numbered balloons and Instagram a million pics of their celebration — #DirtyThirties. Ugh, So not my thing. Instead, I’ll celebrate with a low-key dinner (because, food is life) and really think about all that I want to accomplish in the coming year. If you searched ‘what to do for my 31st birthday’ – you’ve come to the right place! Sharing some unique ideas below (just scroll down).
It sounds cheesy, but I’ve always had a mental ‘list’ of my goals/aspirations. Our generation is filled with so much information. How we should be eating, drinking, sleeping, exercising, feeling — and through every angle of social media (Makes me grateful that I didn’t grow up with it). This information can certainly be of value, but it’s important to set your own milestones. It’s easy to get lost in what everyone else is doing/writing, and that’s why I make sure to keep my own list.
As much as I dreaded turning the big 3-0, I accomplished a lot. I married the love of my life, moved to a new city, bought a house, quit corporate, got a puppy (she’s 9 months today!) and ummmm, got knocked up! I can’t wait to become a mom. Truly, I was put on this earth to become a mama — it’s been something I’ve wanted forever. Professionally, I’ve definitely struggled (what self-employed individual hasn’t?) but, I’ve learned to celebrate every victory — big & small. Oh, and I’m doing what I love and that certainly counts for something! Leaving corporate was the best decision.
- Work. Sometimes, I’m guilty of wanting things to come to me when I’m not trying my all. Work hard and smarter. WORK!
- A few moments alone each day will do wonders for your self-awareness. Whether it’s taking a walk around the block, or indulging in the bath — make time for you.
- Life is short. Fu** mean people. Seriously, walk away.
- Stay away from people who gossip. Surround yourself with positivity, love and support.
- Time is more valuable than money. Money comes and goes, but you’ll never get those minutes/days/years back.
- Learn to say no. It’s really OK — you don’t owe people an excuse/reason.
- We aren’t alone. No matter how pathetic/small we feel about our own situation, there will be others who are experiencing the same thing. It’s easy to fall and feel sorry for yourself, but I promise you — you’re not alone.
- Drink a lot of water.
- Wear sunscreen.
- Laugh. Life isn’t that serious.
- Don’t be afraid to ask. If you ask, you are more likely to get it.
- We are stronger and more resilient than we think we are.
- The most important thing we can do is love ourselves. When we love ourselves, we become better friends, employees, lovers (huge one) and members of society. This is definitely something I’ve struggled with over the years (especially as a blogger) but, I’m learning to embrace every part of me!
- You don’t have to have a relationship with someone just because they’re blood. If a relationship is toxic, and not serving a positive purpose: walk away.
- Walk in the grass with your bare feet — there’s seriously no better feeling.
- Wake up earlier, you’ll have more energy throughout the day.
- It’s OK to nap. Why do people judge you for taking a nap during the day? Science says it’s good for you, science.
- Go on that trip you’ve been wanting to go on, you won’t regret it.
- Less is more. When you own less things, you’ll have more freedom. I’m still learning this concept, but I’m quickly realizing that all of this ‘junk’ creates an internal block. Let go of shit.
- Don’t offer your advice unless someone asks for it.
- Self doubt is real. It literally comes finding us. Do it anyway, and F that negativity!
- Puppies are fluffs of happy — everyone should own one or 10.
- Buy fresh flowers. There’s nothing better than working alongside fresh cuts during the day! Just a little boost of happy goes a long way.
- Life is short. Please quit the job that’s making you unhappy — you won’t get these precious years back, and you literally can do anything you want!
- Change is the only thing for certain. Embrace it.
- You will have your heart broken, and you’ll survive. You’re not dying, promise.
- Blast your music. It just feels good.
- Your Instagram ‘likes’ don’t value your worth.
- Have more fun, and be spontaneous.
- Take a drive. Sunday morning ‘drives’ have been one of my favorite things to do with my husband. We’ll stumble across the cutest towns while enjoying each other’s company. PS: No cell phones allowed.
- Don’t feel guilty for drinking coffee while pregnant. We deserve it! xx
outfit details // I’m wearing my favorite embroidered dress (under $50) that comes in maternity & non-maternity (linked in shop the post below). I’m also a serious repeat offender of this straw tote, but I absolutely love it for the beach and beyond! PS: It’s almost gone, so hurry up!
As I’ve gotten older, birthdays have gotten way more relaxed (especially as a mama). I’m sharing some ideas below on what to do for my 31st birthday! Feel free to chime in below!
- Purchase a stock that you admire (I love Etsy)
- Take a cooking class
- Spend the day with family using NO PHONE!
- Have a picnic
- Create a fun charcuterie board – one of my favorite things to do!
- Buy a designer bag (sometime this year! I want to pass it down to my daughter one day)
- Try a new workout class (I will have an Orange Theory review soon!)
- Sign up for a class (I’d love to do a coding class)
- Purchase a new lens for my camera and learn how to use it
- Go on a weekend road trip with the family that we’ve never been before